Customer Profile: GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Is a leading manufacturer, distributor, supplier of pharmaceutical medicines, tablets, capsules from Nashik, Maharashtra. Location: Nashik, Maharashtra Process: Welding Pollutant: Excessive welding fume and aerosol. Installation: Fabrication Shop, new Fabrication workshop integrated with ventilation equipment. Equipment supplied: Extraction Arms- BEA-M-3H, Stationary Radial Fan on Tube Frame- VMS 2100, Exhaust Hose- Hose-SP-150-150, Magnetic Air Intake Funnel- Spv-150
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    Work schedule 8:30 - 17:00

    Arrisa Avenue, Unit #15, Office No. 303, 3rd Floor, Kolte Patil Downtown, Kharadi, Pune-411014, India

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