Fully integrated production of Local extraction ventilation: from engineering to delivery

The main manufacturing site is located in Saint-Petersburg

16 500

product units
are produced annually

30 000 м2

total area
of manufacture and warehouses

  • Every year we develop a new product portfolio as well as re-engineering and process upgrade of the manufactured units.
  • A separate line of products is produced at our second manufacturing site — in Yekaterinburg.
  • Machines of such brands as AMADA, FINN-POWER, HACO, DENER are installed in our manufacturing premises.
  • The technology park is regularly updated to perform the most advanced and efficient operations.

Per year we produce:




fume extractors


exraction arms




exhaust reels


storage filters


big air filtration systems

Manufacturing processes

tons of metal
per year is processed into finished products

Cutting and preforming

Our production begins with precise and efficient metal cutting. Every year we create more than 750 thousand blanks, which serve as the basis for further production cycle.

We use laser machines from the world's leading manufacturers, so we can quickly and accurately perform cutting operations, working with metal up to 12 mm thick.


A stamp is an expensive piece of equipment. We possess hundreds of stamps, this allows us to be independent of suppliers — we manufacture the details of our products by ourselves.

Bending and machining

Several converted lathe-and-milling machines are installed at the manufacturing site, covering all our needs.

welding posts
Each one is equipped with its own fume extractor


To meet all the requirements of our customers we use various welding methods, including semi-automatic MIG welding, contact welding and laser welding.

Our experienced staff and high-quality welding equipment from top brands guarantee excellent quality of welded joints.

coloring lines
Paint booths with manual and robotic spraying


We paint our products with powder coating.


100% of the fan impellers are precisely balanced.

Assembly of equipment

The assembly of the equipment is performed efficiently and quickly due to the careful organization of manufacturing sites using the principles of the "5S" System and convenient logistics within.

Thanks to a wide range of high-technology equipment, as well as technical skills and experience of our specialists, we can implement the most challenging ideas.

Over the last few years, we have considerably increased investments in production, technology and staff training.

This allows us to remain the leadership in our industry and ensure a high level of customer satisfaction.

Volkov J.A.

Chief industrial engineer

Our doors are open —
excursions to the manufacturing workshop.

Our production plant — is one big showroom.

All workshops are equipped with extraction systems of our own manufacturing. Here our new developments are tested, as well as standard dust and fume collectors have been in service for many years — and continue to work effectively.

In addition to equipped workplaces, we have launched several exhibition and test facilities based on a dust collector and a vacuum dust collection system.


excursions to the manufacturing workshop per year

>1 000

people have got aware of our extraction systems


exhibition equipment

The culture of permanent improvement

We are excited to meet our customers and partners and invite you to see our manufacture firsthand.

The culture of permanent improvement

Over the years, we have gained significant experience in the field of lean manufacturing. We are in the process of permanent improvement of all work processes that allows us to increase profitability and product quality.

We use the equipment of the world's top manufacturers and extraction units of our own production.

Zuev S.M.

Chief Technology Officer

The principles of the “5S” System and upgrades


The lean production system is working successfully, the principles of the "5S" workplace organization system are being implemented.


All employees can make suggestions for improvements: the best ideas are implemented, and their authors are rewarded.


Due to the partnership with the Federal Competence Center, the cost of some products has been reduced

Quality control

The company has an integrated quality management system that meets the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 standard.

All manufactured equipment is made of high-quality components and undergoes stagewise control in the Quality control department.

We inspect the incoming materials and consumables used in manufacturing process.

Development of new products:
design and technology departments

  • 60 specialists

    Our products are being engineered by a team of 60 qualified specialists.

  • Full cycle of engineering and manufacturing

    We ourselves are engaged in the engineering of new and technical upgrade of existing equipment.

    Each product goes through the stages of 3D modeling, strength and aerodynamics calculations, production of working documentation, registration of operational passports, laboratory tests.

  • Advanced technologies

    Departments of the Chief Designer and the Chief Technologist work in a computer-aided design program using the aerodynamic flow calculation module.

  • Hand in glove work with production team

    The department office is located directly in the production building, which allows our specialists to participate in testing new and modified products on a daily basis.

Each employee of our department is a true professional and makes a unique contribution to the common cause.

We are ready to undertake the most challenging tasks and find non-standard solutions. Our creativity and ability to think outside the box help us to create products that leave competitors' analogues far behind in their characteristics.

Day by day we are growing, developing and reaching new heights!

Ribenek R.E.

Chief Structural Engineer

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